Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bugs in my Teeth and Time to Think

While driving the other day I found myself diving into the furthest reaches of my mind. Listing to the soothing sounds on my iPod accompanied by the rhythmic splat of bug guts on the windshield helped me lull into a deep sense of serenity.

Heh... that'll be the day. There were so many friggin bugs that I had to stop several times and wash the wind shield just so I could see the road and the cops ahead of me.

I was listening to my iPod though. The calming music of Metallica, Korn, and Pearl Jam.

The day was bright and sunny with big puffy clouds and I was pissed. I couldn't help but get mad because when I have time to think I usually get frustrations off my chest. If my mother heard me she would be offended. Not by my language but by the content of my anger driven outbursts... at no one.

Did I mention that I was all alone in the car. People that I passed were probably laughing at the crazy guy screaming at nobody.

I have been angry at my mother for a while and I took the opportunity to lash out at her in her absence. That way she doesn't hear... I can get out my raw emotions... and my family doesn't suffer from post traumatic stress syndrome after their daddy and hubby blew his stack spewing forth many many obscenities that have only been heard in an Andrew Dice Clay comedy special.

I do feel better now though. :)


Apple Joos said...

I sing really, really loud in the car when I'm by myself. I've had more than a few people slow down to make sure I wasn't having a seizure.

Unknown said...

'Bugs in my teeth' ... reminds me of riding my motorcycle back in NZ .. ewwwwww

Like Applejoos, I used to also sing really, really loudly in my car. However, I wasn't alone. It was my way of getting my kids to stop fighting. They'd be so embarrassed by Mum's singing that they'd scrunch down, hoping none of their friends saw them...